It is a wonderful feeling to find yourself validated in your own beliefs. As this industry progresses, we are finally finding the freedom to study cannabis under the scientific method, and the results are incredible.
I have talked briefly about the "Entourage Effect" in previous posts, and this proves to be an example of that in practice. THC, CBD, and the many other cannabinoids are more effective when working together. Simple as that. This brings us to a recent study that was published by the journal, Oncotarget.
The study examined the effects of 12 types of cannabis extracts, and their impacts on 12 different forms of cancer cells. What was prevalent was that THC alone was not efficient in shrinking the cancer cells. It was the more complex extracts that were most effective, though it gets even more complicated than that. Each cancer type they tested, had different cannabis extracts which worked best in shrinking them. What dies that mean going forward? It means we are getting closer to finding which strains are best for specific cancer types, and that the natural cannabis is better than the more "THC" focused products we are seeing in some brands.
If you have more interest in the study, as I only covered it on the surface level, check out the original article from Marijuana Moment: